Introduction to Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz
Our Party name is Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz; abbreviated to and commonly known as JSMM, is a separatist and secular political party of Sindh, that believes in the freedom of Sindh from Pakistan’s occupation. It is the only separatist nationalist party of Sindh which is banned by the Islamic Theocratic State of Pakistan. It was banned in a statement issued by the Federal Home Department of Pakistan on April 1st, 2013 by labeling it as a threat to the security and integrity of Pakistan.
Foundations of Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz were laid on November 26th, 2000 A.D. at the city of Sann, Sindh. Senior workers and leaders of Jeay Sindh Movement called upon a “workers conference” gathering at Sann which decided to constitute a new organization for the effective struggle for the freedom of Sindh and so they formulated JSMM. On the same day, Shafi Muhammad Burfat was agreed upon to act as the founding chairman of newly formed JSMM till upcoming party elections. A constitutional committee comprising of three senior members was appointed with the consensus of all the attendants to write the constitution for the newly formed party.
Ideology and Objectives:
During the World War Two, inspired by Subhas Chandra Bose, Pir Sibghatullah Rashdi (Pir Sahab Pagara) popularly known as Suriyah Badshah (The Valorous King) started a third militant movement against British for the freedom of separate Sindhi nation state. He was arrested by British and sent to gallows but this didn’t work as resistance intensified. Another strong advocate of freedom of Sindh, Mr. Allah Bux Soomro, the PM of British Sindh was killed and Sindh was left with the only option to join Pakistan. But the man after Sindh’s decision to join Pakistan who passed the Pakistan resolution from Sindh Assembly Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Syed (G.M Syed) soon realized his mistakes and denounced his earlier move in Sindh Assembly, in a meeting with Cabinet Mission Plan as the leader of opposition in Sindh Assembly later demanded a separate statehood for Sindhis as British quits India. But against the will of Sindhi nation, the Britain schemed to include Sindh in Pakistan. G.M Sayed from Sindh and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan from NWFP (KPK) became the very first political prisoners of the newborn Pakistani state. They formulated Pakistan Peoples’ Party jointly and advocated provincial autonomy and separate nationhood of indigenous federating nations of Pakistan. Outnumbered by Punjabi civil-military establishment and population of dominant Punjab they joined Bengalis in the quest for recognization of the national identity and national rights. Sayed remained in jails and under house arrests for the most of the years to come ahead until the decline of Ayoub regime provided the oppressed nations to overthrow Punjabi hegemony over the affairs of state in 1970. But the military establishment of Pakistan preferred secession of Bangladesh over the establishment of democratic rule, after massacring 3m innocent Bengalis. Aggrieved with immense despair and pain, Sayed realized that after the liberation of Bangladesh it has become crystal clear that Punjabi hegemony over the affairs of the state has been accomplished and after its legalization through the constitution of 1973 (assuring Punjabi dominance) without the consent of the federating units, the democratic political parliamentarian politics is of no value further.
In 1972 G. M. Syed proposed the formation of an independent nation for the Sindhis under the name Sindhudesh. He was the first nationalist politician in Pakistan to call for the independence of his land in a Pakistan divided by the liberation of Bangladesh. The concept of Sindhudesh as propounded by Syed calls for the liberation and freedom of Sindhis from Punjabi imperialism.
After the liberation of Pakistan & shift of the balance of power to solely Punjab, Syed advanced his position towards openly demanding separation from Pakistan and the build-up of an independent Sindhudesh in his books Heenyar Pakistan khey tuttan khappey (Now Pakistan Should Disintegrate) and Sindhu Desh — A Nation in Chains.
He was kept under house arrest till his last breath. After the execution of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (the PM of Pakistan) and imposition of Martial Laws, Syed’s narrative was proved right and a few years later protested erupted across Sindh under the banner of Movement for the Restoration of Democracy (MRD) which was brutally handled by Zia regime which ultimately resulted in the mass support for the views of Syed. Mass shootings on protesters and killings of political workers and students added fuel to the fire unless establishment decided to overthrow Dictator Zia and restoring democracy in the country to cool down the separatist sentiment on the move. But the democratic process was never allowed to sustain in the Punjabi dominated country. Sindhudesh movement weakened by the mass crackdown on the nationalists in LeAs operations and by the death of G.M Syed till the new leadership emerged in the early 2000s with two popular factions Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) led by Bashir Khan Qureshi and Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz (JSMM) led by Shafi Muhammad Burfat.
After the assassination of former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, the Sindhudesh movement has seen an increase in popularity. Sindhi nationalists judge that Sindh has been used to the advantage of people from the alien settlements in Sindh, citing the settlement of Punjabi people in key areas of Sindh including Karachi, large-scale migration to Sindh from other regions of Pakistan, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, alleged Punjabi dominance in the defense sector, and an increase in settlement of state-sponsored Taliban migrants moving to Sindh; as well as terrorist related attacks on the region. JSQM and JSMM used conventional power politics tricks to drive mass attention towards the cause of freedom and had largely been successful in organizing Sindhi people to stand by the cause of freedom of Sindh rather than wasting their time and energies in the engineered political process of mainstream parliamentary politics of Pakistan. Although JSMM, because of its relations with Baluchistan Independence Movement and its pursuit of seeking international support, has suffered worst state operation since its formation, JSQM and JSMM as a mass movement have succeeded to organize freedom marches of millions of people in Karachi and Hyderabad in past ten years denouncing the Pakistan resolution of the 1940s passed by Sindh Assembly in the year 1943 which provided the basis for the establishment of Pakistan and demanding complete independence for Sindh. JSQM Chairman Bashir Khan Qureshi was poisoned to death a week after a massive freedom March in 2012 and his brother Maqsood Qureshi was burnt alive in his car along with student leader Salman Wadho, one day before a proposed freedom March in 2014 in Karachi. More than 30 JSMM leaders and activists were abducted, enforcedly disappeared, tortured and extra-judicially killed and some burnt alive since 2011 and hundreds have been victimized by state torture, enforcedly disappeared, put to jails to restrain them from struggling for the independence of Sindh. In recent years after the agreement of CPEC project with China, Pakistani spy agencies and LeAs have been launching a covert operation in Sindh to silence the voice of Sindhi people for their freedom. The Pakistani state has created a chaos and state of fear to restrict the growth of Sindhudesh Movement. JSMM was banned in 2013 to refrain it from gaining mass as well as international support for the independence of Sindh.
JSMM believes in the struggle for freedom of the Sindhudesh (Southeastern occupied territory of Sindh on the map of Pakistan, remained historically a free country before its forced annexation in British Empire) from the unnatural, theocratic state of Pakistan. JSMM believes in the Ideology of Sain G.M Sayed.
JSMM recognizes the Sayed as its ideological leader and guide and recognizes the red flag with the Sun and the Axe (historic Sindhi signs of enlightenment, labor, and defense) in its center to be its national emblem as it was set by Sayed to be the emblem of the freedom movement of Sindh.
The national flag of Sindhudesh was adopted to be the emblem of freedom struggle for Independent Sindhudesh on January 17th, 1973 in the Jeay Sindh Movement Workers convention convened on the eve of the birthday of the pioneer and ideologue of Sindhudesh, Mr. GM Sayed. It consists of a white disc on top of a red field, offset slightly toward the hoist so that it appears centered when the flag is flying. The white disc with an Axe and a hand in its center represents the sun of a full spring day brightening at its highest and is a sign of enlightened past civilization of Indus and a bright prosperous future of Sindhudesh and the traditional Sindh Axe as sign of labor and traditional sign of self-defense. The wide red field represents the traditional revolutionary will of Sindhi people, a symbol of sacrifice for the social justice, equality and liberty, also the blood of those who died for the independence of Sindhudesh from the centuries.
The first version of the flag was designed and made by a section of student leaders and activists of Jeay Sindh Students Federation (JSSF) in 1967. And was presented by Iqbal Tareen the president and of JSSF to Sindhi politician GM Sayed in a meetup with him during his visit to Sindh University, Jamshoro in 1972, with a request to adopt it as a symbol of the Sindhudesh Independence Movement at room no. 13 of International Hostel Sindh University.
Later it was adopted as the flag of freedom struggle for an independent Sindhudesh and passed to represent Sindhi Independence movement in the constitution of Jeay Sindh Mahaz (a party constituted by GM Sayed to struggle for a Free Sindhudesh) in year 1973.
Later it was adopted by the Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz in its constitution after its formation in year 2000.
Following is the specification of the national flag:
The flag will be in “Bright Red” and rectangular in size in the proportion of 10:6, with a white circle in near middle.
The white circle will have a radius of one-fifth of the length of the flag. Its center will be placed on the intersecting point of the perpendicular drawn from the nine-twentieth part of the length of the flag, and the horizontal line drawn through the middle of its width. A hand holding a Sindhi Axe in black, will be drawn in the very middle of the white circle.
The standard flag sizes will be 10 ft × 6 ft (3.0 m × 1.8 m); 5 ft × 3 ft (1.52 m × 0.91 m); 21⁄2 ft × 11⁄2 ft (760 mm × 460 mm), size of the table flag is 10 in × 6 in (250 mm × 150 mm). Sizes vary to fit the purpose it is used for.
National Anthem
A song of veteran Sindhi poet Shaikh Ayaz, written in the late 60s became the anthem of “Anti-One Unit Movement” struggle for the restoration of the national identity of Sindh in Pakistan as the name Sindh was officially denounced by the federal government of Pakistan after its merger in unitary system. Shaikh Ayaz was himself imprisoned for writing this song alleged for provoking the transnational sentiments in the youth of Sindh.
It was later adopted as the national anthem of Sindhudesh in the constitution of Jeay Sindh Mahaz in 1973 and was carried forward by the Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz in its constitution. The lyrics of this anthem song are translated to be as under:
O! my glorious motherland Sindhudesh!
O! My glorious mother, I bow to thee.
My forehead kisses thy soil,
I bow to thee.
Long live my mother, Long live, May thou live long.
May I serve you whenever you call,
How can I avoid your call, my mother?!
I bow to thee.
From the Keenjhar to Karojhar, my eyes prostate thy land!
Songs and sonnets, that all I have, Are yours, my mother!
I bow to thee.
Let me spread to the world, Thy message of Peace
Aroma of love with humanity! And loyalty to motherland!
I bow to thee.
May thy river, flow forever,
May thy prosperity prevail till eternity,
I bow to thee.
Like the gentle wind blows and the rain drizzles
May I regain you the freedom, that thou lost!
I bow to thee.
Thy wheatears I eat, Thy people I meet,
May I make them proud and pay thy debt.
I bow to thee.
For I attain immortality,
if my body returns to thy soil!
My forehead kisses thy soil!
I bow to thee.
Policies of JSMM
JSMM believes that Sindh is under complete slavery of Pakistan (Punjab) and hence all of its policies are antagonistic against the state of Pakistan. It completely rejects the each and every policy of the state that harms the national interests of the Sindh. JSMM considers Pakistan a theocratic fundamentalist imperial colonial and irresponsible state that enslaves and exploits the nations chained in its federation. JSMM, on international level, has always censured the religious fundamentalism and terrorism and has acknowledged and supported the war on terror to be true and righteous.
Mode of Struggle
JSMM’s mode of struggle is purely political. It believes in the people of Sindh to be its strength and power. Thus JSMM totally denounces the electoral
parliamentary system, parliamentary politics and the constitution of Pakistan. Because JSMM believes that the division of electoral seats allotted to different confederating units i.e. states that joined the Pakistan in 1947 at the time of the independence, is totally unjust as it does not allow the oppressed nations to build a consensus to amend, reject or pass any constitutional bill or resolution even if they win all the National Assembly seats from all the three provinces of Pakistan except Punjab. Punjab solely holds the 3/4th of the parliamentary seats i.e. 148 seats out of the 258 NA constituencies. Adding con-current and federal lists that give the privileges to Punjabi dominant federation of Pakistan to bypass or undermine any of the provincial resolutions and bills passed by the Provincial Assemblies with complete consensus. Therefore, JSMM considers it a waste of time and effort to acknowledge the constitution of Pakistan and practice parliamentary politics on the cost of the rights of its motherland Sindh and its people. Therefore, JSMM holds political processions, protest demonstrations, freedom marches and rallies against Anti-Sindh schemes and plans of the military establishment of Pakistan and political hegemony of Punjab at both the national as well as international level. It believes in the steadfast struggle for the independence and rights of Sindh along with pursuit of international attention and support through strong diplomacy with the conscience of the world. JSMM demands the right to self-determination for Sindhis and recognition of historical identity of Sindhis as a separate historical secular nation.
What are the reasons behind the Sindhi’s demand for the freedom of their historical motherland?
Precise details in thirty points are enough to unfold the truth behind the subjugation of Sindh, and the real face of federalism in Pakistan.
Sindh had remained a free, independent nation and country since ages and was an independent country when British conquered it and annexed its separate national identity in the British India. Sindh was made part of Pakistan against the will of Sindhi people. This will was expressed through the provincial election of 1946, in which All-India Muslim League (AIML) won lesser seats against the opponents.
Sindh waged three wars for the freedom of Sindh during 1843-1857, 1890-1899 and 1940-1944. The last war although waged for the freedom of Sindh was carried in understanding with Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose by Pir Pagaro Soriah Badshah, Syed Shbghatullah Shah. Thousands of Sindhis were killed by Colonial British Forces (army and air force), and their families were jailed in the concentrations camps in Sindh, Rajasthan and West Bengal. A large number of fighters of 1940-1943 war were executed as well as jailed in Pakistan until 1965.
Pakistan was created on the illegitimate basis of Muslim nationhood of Indian Muslims, which is known as two-nation theory within united India. This theory practically lost its validity when East Pakistan became Bangladesh based on ethnolinguistic nationhood. In Pakistan, Sindhi deeply feel the negation of their ‘Sindhi’ identity, which is five thousand years old. They just cannot sacrifice their thousands years nationhood over the seventy years of Pakistan.
Pakistan Government created an environment of terror against Sindhi Hindus after partition of India. Sindh Chief Minister ordered action against the culprits involved in harassing and killing Sindhi Hindus. They were Indian Partition refugees Muslims. M. A. Jinnah was a Sindhi. He asked Sindh Government to take action against miscreants and protect Hindus. But Prime Minister Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan, an AIML leader who migrated from divided India to Pakistan, dismissed Sindh Chief Minister. That was the reason Sindhi Hindus started their mass migration from Sindh to India in1948 despite the fact that partition was held in 1947.
Sovereignty of Sindh has been violated in Pakistan at various times. Karachi was illegitimately separated from Sindh against the will of the Sindhi nation in 1948. Some historical parts of Sindh were separated in late 1960s and annexed with Punjab. Punjab Police has recklessly been attacking bordering villages and towns of Sindh illegally similarly to what Pakistan Army does at the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Pakistan. At least 10 such incidents have been reported by the Sindhi newspapers in last six months.
The status of province hood of Sindh was canceled and a unitary political system was adopted. Besides, reading, writing and name-tags in Sindhi and Bengali languages were also banned during the 1960s.
Hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile lands of Sindh that became arable due to the commissioning of Guddu, Sukkur and Kotri barrages in Sindh on river Indus were allocated to Punjabis as well as gifted to military officials and Punjabi civil bureaucracy.
The financial assets of Sindh were handed over to Punjab. Even the archeological assets that were found from Moen-Jo-Daro and other sites of Sindh were shifted to Lahore.
Water rights of Sindh are being violated by Pakistan and Punjab has been illegally constructing barrages on the river Indus despite the objections by the lower riparian Sindh. Pakistani establishment still seems to be keen on the construction of controversial Kalabagh Dam, which is thrice rejected by Sindh Assembly as well as the Provincial Assemblies of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan.
In last seventy years of Pakistan, Sindhis are not given their proportionate share in the Pakistan Army, security agencies and civil bureaucracy.
Federations earlier were not allowing the formation of Sind Regiment within Pakistan Army; however, when Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto finally ordered creation of it, Sindhi were not recruited in it. Sindhi even today are less than one percent in Sind Regiment. Besides, Sindhi and Baloch are hardly recruited in Foreign Services. Sindh has no say in the foreign Policy of Pakistan.
Under British Raj, Sind Rifle Police was responsible for guarding and protecting the borders of Sindh. After Indian partition, Pakistan re-named the force as Pakistan Rangers and ousted Sindhis from it. Today, international borders of Pakistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province with Afghanistan are guarded by the local Pashtuns through Frontier Constabulary – KP, with Iran at Balochistan province by Frontier Constabulary – Balochistan which is composed of Pashtun and to some extent Baloch, at the borders with India at Punjab by Pakistan Rangers – Punjab composed of Punjabis and at Sindh borders with India is guarded by Pakistan Rangers – Sindh composed of Punjabis. Hence Sindhis are not allowed to protect their own international borders.
Punjabi civilian and military officials are usually shifted as senior officials in Sindh Police through the process of cadre change. Only four thousand Punjabi retired army officers are appointed in Sindh police in order to protect the proposed CPEC route, recently.
Multi-National Companies (MNCs) extract Uranium and Copper (Australia), Oil and Gas (The USA, UK and EU countries) ), Coal (China) and Gold (extracting companies and their country origin is kept secret) from Sindh because Sindh is one of the natural resource-richest belts of South Asia. Unfortunately, Sindhis are not only refused employment opportunities in these MNCs, the royalties of these resources are taken by the federal government. Even the funds allocated for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) are not spent on the development in the districts of Sindh.
Sea ports and revenue of Sindh is totally taken away and industrialization and proposed economic zones in CPEC, Zulfiqarabad, Bahria Town, DHA megacities projects are of no use to native Sindhis instead these are established to enable mass alien migration from Punjab to dominate Sindhi population.
Demography of Sindh is being attempted to be changed. An intentional mass migration of Punjabis from Pakistani Punjab, Afghan people, Biharis from Bangladesh, and Rohingya Muslim from Burma are being settled in Sindh in a bid to convert Sindhis into minority on their historical homeland. Fake Permanent Residence Certificates (PRCs) and Domiciles are issued to non-Sindhi outsiders so that they may get the employments on the quota as well as resources of Sindh. Even victimization of Sindhi Hindus in Sindh is being done to force their migration from Sindh to India and elsewhere in lieu of that non-Sindhis from within Pakistan and outside are being settled in Sindh.
Before 1947 Partition of India, Sindh was having an internationally acclaimed cricket team, which even defeated some international teams in the test matches, the popular of which was the defeat of Australian cricket team in Karachi. Sindhis are denied participation in Pakistani Cricket Team, Football Team and Hockey or they are denied their representation on every level of the state.
Pakistani establishment is involved in manipulating the data as well as facts and figures in manner that it may ridicule Sindhis within Pakistan and internationally.
Pakistani authorities have been forging the census of Sindh in a manner that the population of Sindhi may be depicted smaller. There had been no census for last 20 years to undermine the figures of alien migration and settlements in Sindh.
Sindhi is being refused to be given the status of national language in Pakistan. Although Sindh is in Pakistan today, India has given Sindhi a national language status.
Hindus are around 8 million in Sindh but the figures by the establishment of Pakistan are reducing them to below 1.5 million. They have also been subjected to state-propelled violence, forced conversions, imprisoned and killed on account fake blasphemy cases.
Sindh contributes largest share approximately 70% in the income, revenue, and overall economy of Pakistan the but is given lesser share 23%, in return from the federation.
Sindh Assembly once resolute / legislated for forming the Army of Sindh some years ago but that hasn’t become materialized as yet.
“The agenda that has to be discussed in Sindh Assembly are scrutinized by the scrutiny unit working under the Corps Commander office of Pakistan Army’s Karachi Corps before the Assembly sessions.”
Institutes like National Testing Services (NTS) are used in Pakistan for the admissions in the educational institutions as well as candidate selections for the employer departments in a bid to ensure merit. Ethnic and quality frauds have been detected and scams have been made public by no other than Sindh Government and Sindh Assembly itself. This practice does not only sidelines rights of Sindhi in the educational institutes as well as employment, but also downgrades the educational services and governance in the province.
Election frauds, pre-election riggings and voting at the gun point have killed essence of democratic process in Sindh through which the will of Sindhi people and their voter majority has always been humiliated.
Religious extremism is being patronized in a bid to control and fragmentize the natural resource Sindh through state-sponsored proxy extremists and the establishment of secretly state-funded religious schools (madrassahs) throughout Sindh.
Top level Sindhi leadership and intelligentsia has been killed directly by the establishment or through the indirect means that include Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (hanged), Benazir Bhutto (killed in garrison city of Rawalpindi), Murtaza Bhutto (extra-judicially killed in Karachi), Bashir Qureshi (poisoned near Hyderabad), Shah Nawaz Bhutto (poisoned in France), Fazil Rahu (instigated murder), Nazir Abasi (killed in the torture cell), Muzafar Bhutto (killed in torture cell), Sirai Qurban Khuhawar, Noorullah Tunio, Rooplo Cholyani, Maqsood Khan Qureshi, Salman Wadho ( were burnt alive), Asim Akhund (medicated death) and dozens of other nationalist leaders abducted, enforcedly disappeared, tortured and extrajudicially killed by Pakistani spy agencies.
A large numbers of activists have been enforcedly disappeared and killed by the military and armed forces intelligence agencies. Sain GM Syed was kept under house arrest for thirty years, Rasool Bux Palijo was jailed for ten years and Asif Ali Zardari was jailed for eleven years and hundreds of others were jailed at various times. These murders, detentions, and extra-judicial killings were made irrespective of leadership’s political ideology.
Pakistani establishment has pushed Karachi into violence and has resisted the integration process between indigenous Sindhis and Urdu speaking Sindhis. It has been marginalizing Sindhi urban vote by executing a ferocious LeAs operation against MQM to establish Punjabi authoritarian control over Karachi (the capital city of Sindh) and silencing separatist, nationalist, secular, progressive voices of rural as well as urban Sindhis by LeAs operations across Sindh. More than 200 nationalist Sindhi political activists were arrested and enforcedly disappeared by LeAs this August.
A similar, and in some manners, worst, situation is also being observed in Balochistan. Pakistan establishment has neither intentions nor capacity to undone all these factors, therefore Sindh and Balochistan will always march ahead on the path of freedom, and probably may reach the destination sooner or later.
Our Demand
In the above context, Sindhudesh National Independence Movement has been demanding following actions from the international community to save the historic nation of Sindh from the plight and plunder of the Punjabi imperialism.
We Sindhis are a separate, identical, natural, secular, modern nation with certain history, geography, language, pluralist culture, specific politico-economic interests and thus, freedom is our universal natural right, and therefore, we seek moral and political support from the world for our national independence.
The World must take notice and immediately stop Pakistani state’s military establishment and intelligence agencies from supporting their strategic creation “the good Taliban” i.e. Hafiz Saeed of Jamaat-Ud-Dawa and others to establish and run the wide web of religious Madrassahs (60k approx…) in Sindh.
The World must inquire China about the construction of CPEC against the will and on the cost of the lives of people of the occupied Sindh and Balochistan, just for the sake of its strategic military dominance in the region which will push the entire region into endless political unrest and military confrontations. This CPEC project is not only harmful to the existence of oppressed Sindhi and Baloch nations but also a great threat to the global peace and regional military strategic setups which will only invite war and bloodshed.
The Pakistani military has erased the wide range of forests standing upon the hundreds of thousand acres of land from Sindh, triggering ecological dangers. The World must put pressure on Pakistan to restore these forests.
Pakistan is breaching international water laws and dominant Punjab is stealing the waters of Indus which are legally owed by Sindh. Millions of acres of fertile agricultural lands of Sindh are left barren by building dams and canals over Indus, which has led to economic devastation and poverty in Sindh. The World must stop Punjab from building more dams and canals on the waters of Indus and push them to remove all the illegal constructions (dams and canals) that are previously built on it.
We appeal Un to take a serious notice of the presence of state’s paramilitary forces in the academic institutions of Sindh which have been harassing the students and occupying the buildings, students’ hostels and urge Pakistani state to remove all the checkpoints, residence and deployment of troops from the academic institutions of Sindh to ensure the sense of security and freedom of expression and freedom to politics of rights to the students.
The World must take notice and stop the ISI supported religious extremists from abductions, forced marriages and forced conversions of the Sindhi Hindu girls to Islam and driving out indigenously Sindhi Hindu population from Sindh.
The World must urge Pakistani state to stop the allocation tens of thousand of acres of agricultural and commercial lands of Sindh to military officials/enterprises and return the lands to the farmers that were previously allocated to these military marshals.
The World must acknowledge the universal right of Sindhi nation over the natural and mineral resources of Sindh e.g. lands, seas, rivers, ports, forests, coal, oil, gas etc. and must urge Pakistan to stop the exploitation of these resources.
Legal protection and official status of Sindhi language as the national language of Sindh which it possessed before the independence of subcontinent in 1947 (and still possesses in India), must be restored and the world must stop Pakistani state from conspiring to exterminate it fully through subduing its status from the academics and offices.
The World must take notice and stop (state terrorism of) Pakistani state forces from abducting, torturing, enforcedly disappearing, extrajudicial killing and dumping the mutilated bodies of the Sindhi political activists.
The World must stop Pakistan from imposing its Pan-Islamic theocratic cultural imperialism to exterminate or distort the democratic, secularist, historical and traditional values of Sindh through any means including media, academia, and proliferation of state’s Pan-Islamic theocracy.
The World must take an immediate notice against the state’s ban on the right to freedom of speech, expression, organization of national political parties of indigenous nations e.g. JSMM, the right to political struggle for the rights of Sindh and take steps to stop the Pakistani state from massacring and torturing the innocent political activists of Sindh.
The World must take notice and proper action to stop ISI (brutal and fascist Pakistani intelligence agency) backed religious extremists from threatening, attacking, killing and harming the houses and properties of Sindhi Hindu, Shia, Ahmadi, Ismaili, Parsi, Christian religious minorities on the behest and biding of ISI.
Stop the state from violating the rights of women and imposing the Islamic ideology of slavery and torture upon them in the name of Sharia law.
The World must put pressure on Pakistan to stop military operations against the political voices of Sindh and Baluchistan.
The World must stop Pakistani conspiracies of aiding and fostering international Islamic terrorist groups like Haqqani network, terror-fame Hafiz Saeed led Jamaat-Ud-Dawa Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, Jayesh-e-Muhammad, Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangwi, Sipah-e-Sahaba and various others.
World must urge Pakistan to immediately release all the political activists who are either imprisoned i.e. Hafeez Pirzado (student leader sentenced to life imprisonment), Murtaza Chandio, Hamid Bhutto, Imran Wahucho, Sadar-u-din Kolachi, Ahmar Pirzado, Asif Baat (a 10th grade student, sentenced to 21 years in prison) Nadeem Magsi and others And those enforcedly disappeared (detained in the custody of military intelligence (ISI)) i.e. Allah Wadhayo Mahar (since 2014), Naveed Mirani (since 2014), Suhail Raza Bhatti (since 2015), Mujeeb Cholyani, Shabir Solangi, Samiullah Vistro, Raja Shafqat Mangi, Rashid Soomro, Nadeem Siyal, Ubedullah Jarwar (Since August 2016).
In the name of CPEC and Megacity projects in Sindh, Pakistani state is conspiring to convert the indigenous Sindhi nation in a powerless and helpless minority like Red Indians, in order to accomplish its goal of establishing Greater Punjabi Imperialism with the strategic military and economic support of China. Mega-city projects like Zulfiqarabad, Bahria Town, Defence Housing Authority in the districts of Karachi, Nawabshah, Sijawal and Thatta; and the colonization of Punjabi, Pashtun, Afghani, Bengalese, Bihari, Burmese settlers in the countryside of Sindh; and state’s privileges bestowed upon them to acquire the permanent residence certificates, identity cards and right to purchase and sell any kind of property in Sindh and contesting elections to represent the people of local constituencies in the province has widely affected the existence of indigenous Sindhi nation. This demographic upset has raised to the level of alien settlers exceeding indigenous Sindhi populations and has occupied the major economic and political positions in Sindh. Hence, Sindhi nation is standing on the verge of conversion into a mere minority in her own lands and therefore world must urge Pakistan to stop the alien settlements in Sindh by disbanding the laws that allow inter-provincial migrations, purchasing properties and canceling all residence permits, identity cards to the aliens and sending back all the non-Sindhis and IDPs to their belonging destinations.
We appeal the international community especially UN, USA, UK, Germany, France, EU, Israel, and India to acknowledge Sindhi nation’s right to national independence and must urge Pakistan to hold a referendum in order to implement the Sindh’s right to self-determination to let them decide their future.
Ghulam Hussain Shabrani
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